Thursday, September 18, 2014

Maintaining Your In-Ground Swimming Pool

There are many reasons people decided to install an in-ground swimming pool.  One of the most frequently given reasons for having a pool installed is for the pure and simple reason that they offer relaxation in your own backyard.  Homeowners can choose to install jets and massage elements to help facilitate relaxation and to help ease muscle tension.  Customizing your pool to fit the needs and wants of your family will make it a continuous flow of enjoyment throughout the summer.

Once the custom pool is installed homeowners must maintain it.  It takes commitment to sustain an in-ground pool.  Depending on where the pool is located also depends on the type of maintenance that is required.  In the winter special care should be taken if you live in an environment where the water freezes.  Pool tiles can stain; the surface of the tiles can become rough.  Maintaining a pool is not necessarily easy but is required.  Over time pool plaster can become cracked and need repairs.  It is important if the maintenance becomes overwhelming for homeowners that they hire professionals to care for the pool.

Having your pool resurfaced is complicated and is not a maintenance issue that should be taken on by the homeowner.  It is a difficult and tricky repair that needs to be done by a professional pool plastering company.  The first step in plastering a pool is to drain the pool water.  The first step in doing this is to determine where the water can be drained.  Often times the water can be drained directly into the sewer system.  Before the water is drained it is important that the electrical components are shut off.  When draining the water out of the pool it is also crucial to drain the water out of filters and other pieces of equipment that hold pool water.

The resurfacing of the pool should be done by professional pool plasterers.  It is a skill that is perfected over time and should not be experimented with.  This is especially true because pools are extremely expensive and not a backyard experiment.  When you are re-surfacing the pool the old plaster needs to be chipped off and separated from the gunite swimming pool.  Once the pool plaster is removed it should be cleaned with an acidic solution and then the new plaster can be put in place.

Once the plaster is in place and dried it is time to refill the pool.  This is not a free for all.  Water needs to be refilled slowly and with care.  Try tying a sock onto the hose or source of water to prevent stones or large materials from scratching the new surface.  It is important to ensure that the pool corners are filled before the flat surface in order to evenly fill the pool and prevent damage to the new plaster.

Maintaining a pool is worth the effort for the peace and relaxation it offers to homeowners.
Pound Pool Plastering repairs commercial and residential gunite swimming pools including coping, tile and plaster repairs. For more information or to request a quote, visit us at

Options In Coping For Your In-Ground Swimming Pool

Having a new pool installed is exciting.  There are tons of decisions to make throughout the process with one of the most important being the swimming pool coping.  The pool coping covers the edge of the pool.  It creates safety as well as providing an aesthetically pleasing appeal to the pool area.  When the pool is being installed talk with the contractor about the options that are available in coping to help create the environment you desire.  

Pool coping provides a cover to the sharp edges of swimming pools.  In ground swimming pools are often made from gunite which creates a rigid jagged edge where the patio meets the surface.  When the coping is installed it protects the swimmers from scraps and cuts.  Coping is smooth and curves around the perimeter of the pool.

Coping for swimming pools also helps to prevent cracking that can occur in the pools plaster and foundation.  The borders and edges of the swimming pool are the most fragile point of the pools construction.  When you cover the edges with pool coping you are adding an extra layer of protection against chips and cracks.  Cracked coping is less expensive to repair than concrete and plaster. 

Another benefit to coping is how pleasing it is to the eye.  Coping is attractive and adds a decorative border between the patio and the pool.  It is adds visual appeal that flatters the pool area.  Coping magnifies the beauty that a swimming pool brings to the landscape of your homes backyard.  A pool is a great addition to any backyard adding to the splendor of your homes landscaping.  Coping helps to make the pool pop.

With the use of coping you can make your pool unique.  There is simple, plain coping or something unique like natural stones.  Coping allows you to create the look you desire for your pool simply.  Take some time looking into all of the options available to you when looking at coping for your swimming pool. 

An in-ground swimming pool is a beautiful addition to any homes backyard.  Creating a safe pool environment is the most important aspect for most homeowners.  Pool coping creates a safe edge where the concrete and plaster meet the deck.  The other benefit to pool coping beyond creating a safe edge is that it helps to preserve the concrete and plaster.  Coping helps to prevent cracks to the pools surface all while creating an appeal visually. 

Pound Pool Plastering repairs commercial and residential gunite swimming pools including coping, tile and plaster repairs. For more information or to request a quote, visit us at